Speed Limiters

eTrack Zimbabwe’s speed limiters are approved by the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) and recognized by the Vehicle Inspection Department (VID) for obtaining your certificate of fitness.

By complying with legal mandates, speed limiters not only assist in meeting regulatory standards but also significantly contribute to accident prevention, fuel efficiency, and reducing vehicle maintenance needs. Additionally, our speed limiters are equipped with an integrated speed recording mechanism to ensure full compliance with legal stipulations.

How to get started
Which vehicles to be fitted with speed limiters?

According to Statutory Instrument 118 of 2023, all passenger public service vehicles registered in Zimbabwe and heavy vehicles with a net mass of 4,600 kilograms or more registered in the country, should be equipped with an approved speed limiting and monitoring device such as the one that we offer.

The Statutory Instrument reads:

3. (1) No person shall operate or drive on any road a passenger public service vehicle registered in Zimbabwe or a heavy vehicle with a net mass of four thousand six hundred kilograms (4 600kg) or more registered in Zimbabwe, unless both of the following devices are fitted to the vehicle—
(a) a speed monitoring device; and
(b) a speed limiting device limiting such category of vehicles to a speed not exceeding 100km/h:
Provided that the devices referred to in paragraphs (a) and
(b) have been certified by the vehicle inspecting officer and approved by the Standards Association of Zimbabwe.

(2) No inspecting officer shall issue a certificate of fitness
for any passenger public service vehicle registered in Zimbabwe or a heavy vehicle with a net mass of four thousand six hundred kilograms (4 600kg) or more registered in Zimbabwe, unless both devices referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 3(1) of these regulations are fitted to the vehicle for which the certificate of fitness should be issued.

(3) The Commissioner shall not issue an operator’s licence,
route authority or any other form of licence or permit to any operator, owner or driver of public service vehicle registered in Zimbabwe or a heavy vehicle with a net mass of four thousand six hundred kilograms (4 600kg) or more registered in Zimbabwe unless both devices referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of section 3 of these regulations


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