AGJ3818 ‘s speed limiter certificate # 121 is VALID. Maximum set speed is 80km/hr Code: 3-2403231
AFQ2199 ‘s GPS tracking certificate is VALID. Subscription expires (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-03-20 Code: 3-2403201
AGJ4131 ‘s GPS tracking certificate is VALID. Subscription expires (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-03-18 Code: 4-2403182
AFJ5563 ‘s speed limiter certificate # 120 is VALID. Maximum set speed is 80km/hr Code: 3-2403181
ABS7762 ‘s GPS tracking certificate is VALID. Subscription expires (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-03-11 Code: 2-2403112
ABS7762 ‘s speed limiter certificate # 118 is VALID. Maximum set speed is 80km/hr Code: 2-2403112
AGJ9361 ‘s GPS tracking certificate is VALID. Subscription expires (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-03-08 Code: 3-2403081
Certificate Number: 116 Max Set Speed: 100km/hr
Certificate Number: 114 Max Set Speed: 80km/hr
eTrack is an award winning GPS tracking company. We offer innovative and cost effective GPS tracking solutions for companies and individuals.
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- Fleet Management
- Livestock Tracking
- Asset Tracking
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